Tag: #act

Acceptance and Commitment Therapy/Coaching

Lemons, lemons, lemons


Are you ever really mean to yourself? Do you judge yourself with words like ‘useless’, ‘fat’, ‘stupid’, ‘bad mother’, etc.?

Here’s an idea for today. Pick a simple word – the classic is ‘lemon’ (Titchener, 1916). Say the word out loud once or twice, and notice what happens in your mind when you say it – thoughts, images, memories.

Now repeat the word over and over again, *out loud*, as fast as possible, for thirty seconds, until it becomes just a sound. Do this now before reading on.
Now run through the exercise again with the word or short phrase you judge yourself with the most.
What did you notice? Most people find the word or phrase becomes meaningless within about thirty seconds. Those judgements? They’re just words. That’s all they are – just words we decide to imbue with so much negative meaning. Once you can expose that ugly word for what it really is – simply a sound, a movement of your mouth and tongue – you begin to be able to separate yourself from it. This isn’t you.

– Written by Natalie Snodgrass Tan, Quiet Space Ltd